sábado, 4 de enero de 2014

EdcampHOME 2.0, Saturday 4th January, 2014

Haiku Deck in the Classroom Session 1

Uses of Haiku Deck in the classroom, Livebinder

by Susan Spellman-Cann

Susan´s councellor´s page, examples of Haiku Deck by a councellor.

also by Susan Spellman-Cann

Robert´s students examples of Haiku Deck use for classroom tasks.

Featured in the classroom blog, by Robert Hockberg also known as our Gooogle Hangout Host!

Haiku Deck Tutorials, Examples, etc

I loved the idea Robert had of pretending to have the Haiku Deck and making the students draw papers like haikudeck slides by copying it from the comp screen while they didn´t have any device in the classroom.  They called it 19th C Haiku Deck! :))

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